Panel on “Gender and Water in the Climate Crisis”

They always told us about African women who can’t find water. Africans. The distant other whose country we don’t even bother to know. As if the problem was always far away and for others. Because it was the easiest way to ignore judging from the 1st world. So was automatically positioning oneself in the 1st world. Then, while we continued to live happily ever after, the big men who dumped the black waste of huge ships into the sea and poisoned our food with carcinogenic substances said, “Wait a minute, your lipsticks, hygienic pads, and diapers have ruined our world. Now it’s time to clean it up. Us? No, men don’t do such small things. Let’s start from the kitchen.” Just to let you know, we did that. We cleaned the kitchen with vinegar and baking soda. We washed the plastic bags and used them again. We gave the leftover food to the stray animals. When it got a little warmer, we turned down the heater. We washed laundry at 30 C°. But that was not enough. We worked on architecture, design, law, and business.


If you are curious about what we did, let’s meet at ÖzU-X, B27 on February 13th, 13.00.